
Policy Recommendations: Reducing Student Debt

¾ÅÉ« supports the following measures to lower the student debt burden on women and their families:

  • Protect and expand Pell Grants for low-income students to reduce the amount of student loan debt they have to take on to complete a degree.ÌýÌý
  • Increase funding for public colleges and universities and support efforts to move toward tuition- and debt-free options for students.Ìý
  • Make it easier for students to enroll in income-driven repayment options. In addition, student loan borrowers should have protections from abusive and fraudulent practices by schools, lenders and loan servicers.Ìý
  • Address both the academic and overall financial needs of students, such as access toÌýchild careÌýand other non-tuition expenses.ÌýÌý
  • For employers, provide employee matches and other forms of support for student loan debt repayment.Ìý


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